Picture Book Basket // March

In the spring,
at the end of the day,
you should smell like dirt.

—Margaret Atwood

In March, we are out of doors most afternoons, our rubber boots and fingernails caked in mud. We delight in rainbows and mud puddles and any little living thing popping up from the soil. We're going out to the garden again and looking forward to planting day. This month's stack of books celebrates playing outside in the dirt and mud and rejoices in the beauty of the earth coming alive once again. Spring is on its way!

Change Starts With Us, by Sophie Beer

Planting A Rainbow, by Lois Ehlert

A Rainbow of My Own, by Don Freeman

I'm Singing in the Rain, ill. by Tim Hopgood

Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland, by Tomie de Paola

Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato, by Tomie de Paola

Wee Gillis, by Munro Leaf

Fiona's Lace, by Patricia Polacco

O'Sullivan Stew, by Hudson Talbott

Spring, by Gerda Muller

Little Blue Truck's Springtime, by Alice Schertle

We're Going on a Bear Hunt, by Michael Rosen

And Then It's Spring, by Julie Fogliano

Rain, by Peter Spier

Red Rubber Boot Day, by Mary Lyn Ray

Mud, by Mary Lyn Ray

The Story of the Root Children, by Sybille von Olfers

Wonderful Worms, by Linda Glaser

This Beautiful Day, by Richard Jackson


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